SFC - Santa Fe County
SFC stands for Santa Fe County
Here you will find, what does SFC stand for in Government under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Santa Fe County? Santa Fe County can be abbreviated as SFC What does SFC stand for? SFC stands for Santa Fe County. What does Santa Fe County mean?Santa Fe County is an expansion of SFC
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Alternative definitions of SFC
- Student For Christ
- Space Forecast Center
- System File Checker
- System File Checker
- Sergeant First Class
- System File Checker
- Sequential Function Chart
- Specific Fuel Consumption
View 225 other definitions of SFC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SPT Spooner Physical Therapy
- SJA St Johns Ambulance
- SCAT Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology
- SCDC Superior Court of the District of Columbia
- SICS Springfield International Curriculum School
- SRC Sunrise Resorts and Cruises
- SBD Saif Bin Darwish
- SAC Satellite Applications Catapult
- SG The Standard Group
- SMT St Monica Trust
- SIAG Scope International AG
- SCSS St. Catherine of Siena School
- SISI Santander Investment Securities Inc
- SMRMC Southwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center
- SSBAT Sprint Store By Arch Telecom
- S1ST Security 1St Title
- SERI Samsung Economics Research Institute
- SAGCE The South African Gold Coin Exchange
- SNA School Nutrition Association
- SIRMMJH SIR Moses Montefiore Jewish Home